The future be-coming of work

By Philippe Bigot

The author approaches the question of work understood from a socio-professional angle to show its complexity, on the one hand, and the characteristics that structure work and make it comparable to other forms of “work,” on the other. He wants to show the continuum that exists between work as an activity, and the part of “oneself” that is put to work in the activity. The point is to demonstrate certain possible connections between concepts such as alienation-liberation. In this particular case, they form a founding duality. The author speaks from a multidisciplinary perspective. Readers and clinicians are invited to explore the question of suffering as it relates to work, and situate it within a history – although, on the whole, it has been wirtten. They are incited to take up work in its socio-professional valence and respond to the request that it articulates, in its wholeness.

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