The association
The association Cahiers jungiens de psychanalyse
Association law 1901 published in the J. O. of March the 28th, 1981 – SIRET 308 338 920 0025
I. Origins
On January the 1st, 1981, the “Cahiers de psychologie jungienne” association was founded as a non-profit association, governed by the law of January the 1st, 1901 and subsequent laws and decrees. This association, by decision of the General Assembly of January the 16th, 1991, is named “Cahiers jungiens de psychanalyse”.
II. Objectives and means of action
The objectives and means of action of the Association are the publication and distribution of the journal Cahiers jungiens de psychanalyse, as well as of all printed, audiovisual or other media dealing with all subjects related to the analytical psychology of C. G. Jung.
III. Headquarters
Its headquarters are located at 13 rue Ganneron 75018 Paris, France.
IV. Duration
The Association took effect on January the 1st, 1981. Its duration is unlimited.
V. Composition
The Association is composed of founding members, honorary members and active members.
VI. The Members
The founding members are the persons who presided over the creation of the association
On January the 1st, 1981 : Jean Clausse (†), Simone Clausse (†), Christian Gaillard, Geneviève Guy-Gillet (†), Élie Georges Humbert (†), Myrtha Humbert-Gruber, Denyse Lyard (†), Pierre Solié (†), Georges Teboul (†) , Hélène Teboul-Wiart (†).
May be appointed honorary members certain persons who have rendered services to the Association. They are proposed by the Bureau to the vote of the General Assembly. Active members are those who, up to date with their dues, ensure the life of the Association and participate in its various activities. To become a member of the Association, a written application must be submitted to the Board, accompanied by the sponsorship of two active members of the Association, who are not members of the Board.
The co-option will be done by vote of the members of the Board by simple majority: in case of equality of votes, the President will have the casting vote. Membership is lost by death, resignation, expulsion for non-payment of dues or for serious reasons; in this case, the member concerned will have been heard beforehand by the Board. Active members are deemed no longer to be members of the Association, by right and without any possible recourse if, at the end of the financial year, they have not renewed their subscription, after the treasurer has sent them, by registered letter, a final reminder before December the 31st of the year.
Members who resign or are expelled from the Association may not claim any right to the Association’s assets or make any claim on the sums paid by them as dues. The Association’s assets alone shall be liable for the commitments entered into by it or for any judgments that may be pronounced against it, without any member of the Association being held personally liable.
VII. General Assembly
The ordinary General Assembly includes all active members who have paid their annual dues. The General Assembly is sovereign and has decision-making power. It meets once a year within four months of the end of the financial year. It can validly deliberate when the quorum is reached, i.e. half of the active members of the Association, whether they are present or represented. At least three weeks before the date fixed, the members of the Association are convened by the Secretary General. The agenda and the resolutions submitted shall be indicated on the notice of meeting. An attendance sheet shall be drawn up for the members of the Association who may participate in the vote; each participant shall sign in his or her own name or as a proxy and, in the case of a proxy, the name of the proxy must appear on the attendance sheet.
The President, assisted by the members of the Board, chairs the General Assembly and presents the moral situation of the Association. The approval of the report is subject to a vote. The Treasurer reports on the management and submits the profit and loss account for the past year and the provisional budget for approval by the Assembly. Its approval is subject to a vote. All decisions of the General Assembly are taken by a simple majority of the active members of the Association, present or represented, by regular power of attorney, with the exception of the statutes which require a majority of two thirds of the active members, present or represented. It is now possible to hold this meeting in a videoconference format.
VIII. The Board
It is elected for three years by the General Assembly. The mandate of each member of the board is renewable. It is composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary General and a Treasurer. It meets when convened by the President, as often as required by the interests of the Association or at the request of one of the members of the Board. It is vested with the broadest powers to authorize all acts and operations falling within the objectives of the Association.
The Bureau is the executive body of the General Assembly. It ensures the proper implementation of the decisions taken by the General Assembly and provides for the maintenance of the Association. G. and provides for the organization of the services.
- It proposes to the General Assembly the admission of new members or the exclusion of current members as well as the appointment of honorary members.
- The rules of procedure of the Association or its modifications are established by the Board and submitted to the approval of the General Assembly. These rules are intended to determine the various points not provided for in the Statutes, in particular those relating to the internal administration of the Association.
- The President signs the correspondence and executes the decisions of the Board. He shall perform all protective acts and shall represent the Association vis-à-vis third parties and before the courts, both as plaintiff and defendant.
- The Vice-President assists the President and replaces him/her in case of impediment.
- The Treasurer supervises and controls the financial management of the Association, records receipts and payments, signs and endorses all checks and money orders, and gives all receipts with or without release. He is accountable for all sums received or paid.
- The Secretary General assists the President, in particular for all matters concerning the animation and internal management of the Association, convocations and reports. He ensures the conservation of the archives.
IX. Extraordinary General Assembly
The President may convene an Extraordinary General Assembly whenever he deems it necessary. It alone decides on the dissolution of the Association and the allocation of its assets, and possibly on the merger with any other association pursuing the same objectives. Such an assembly must be composed of at least three quarters of the active members, present or represented. Members who are unable to attend may be represented by another member of the Association by means of a written proxy. An attendance sheet shall be drawn up for all members of the Association who may participate in the vote; each participant shall sign in his or her own name or as a proxy and, in the case of a proxy, the name of the proxy shall appear on the attendance sheet. If the quorum is not reached at the first meeting of the Assembly, the Assembly shall be reconvened by individual notice or by insertion in a legal gazette, at an interval of fifteen days, and at this new meeting it may validly deliberate regardless of the number of active members present or represented.
X. Minutes of the Meetings
The minutes of the deliberations of the meetings are transcribed by the Secretary General in a register and signed by the President and a member of the Bureau present at the deliberation.
XI. Resources
The resources of the Association come from :
- the annual dues of the active members, the amount of which is fixed by the General Assembly G.
- the sale, by all legal means, of productions corresponding to the objectives and means of action of the Association, as defined in Article II of the Statutes
- subsidies which could be allocated to it by the State and by public authorities, or by other third parties
- the income from its assets
- sums received in return for services provided by the Association
- all other resources authorized by the laws and regulations
To this end, the Association undertakes to comply with the text of Decree No. 66 338 of June the 13th, 1966. The resources may also come from the income of its financial reserves.
XII. Responsibility
The Association, as a legal entity represented by the President, incurs civil or criminal liability for its activities, particularly with respect to:
- administrations interested in legal deposits, information, statistics and others
- publishers or authors and their beneficiaries
- suppliers, customers and service providers
- public services and tax authorities
- and in general of all the private or public beneficiaries concerned by the exercise of its activity
XIII. Amendment of the Articles of Association
The amendment of the Articles of Association is dealt with in the last paragraph of Article VII.
XIV. Dissolution
It is pronounced by three quarters of the active members present or represented at an Extraordinary General Assembly. If the dissolution is voted in these conditions, it will be enforceable only after payment of the outstanding assets or liabilities, the net assets being obligatorily allocated to an association working according to the same objectives. This liquidation being approved under these conditions, it will be the responsibility of the current President to ensure its proper execution with respect to partners or public or private beneficiaries.
The present statutes, which replace those approved on January the 1st, 1981 by the first General Assembly of the Cahiers jungiens de psychanalyse and their subsequent modifications, were voted by the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Jungian Psychoanalysis Association on March the 17th, 2006 and modified by the Ordinary General Assembly on March the 16th, 2007. These statutes were modified at the Ordinary General Assembly held on March the 15th, 2013. These statutes were again modified at the Extraordinary General Assembly held on April 18, 2023.