Spirits of nature N° 157, 2023/1 - 172 pagesPages 5 to 5EditorialBy Laurence Druet, Reine-Marie Halbout, Ève PilyserPages 7 to 24Dreams emerge like animalsBy Reine-Marie HalboutPages 25 to 37Alchemical vision of nature and depths explorationBy Françoise BonardelPages 39 to 46Welcoming the newborn: from the world of the spirits to that of the parentsBy Ève PilyserPages 47 to 58Spirits of natureBy Christiane FonsecaPages 59 to 74Sandian pastoral: for a feminine ec(h)ologyBy Claire ValloisPages 75 to 77BarefootBy Laurence DruetPages 79 to 93Born somewhereBy Véronique Bouhafs-BlanchardPages 95 to 108Human’s relationship to Nature; defeats and victories according to C. G. JungBy Véronique LiardPages 109 to 126Thinking about childbirth from an emancipatory perspective? Phenomenology and psychoanalysisBy Clarisse PicardPages 127 to 140The fauna of our dreamsBy Caroline Rosain-MontetPages 141 to 153G.G. Jung as an animistBy Antoine FratiniPages 155 to 163NotepadPages 165 to 167Journals review