Mariette Mignet List of articlesN° 159, 2024/1Tunis, October 2010-October 2018, between individual and societal revolutionsN° 155, 2022/1From the end of analysis to the end of life, the symbol alwaysN° 154, 2021/2Original bisexuality todayN° 152, 2020/2A shadow covers the human earth and rests on some of usN° 150, 2019/2The air of time—VerbatimN° 149, 2019/1In praise of inadequacyN° 141, 2015/1Plural filiation, a modern complexity?N° 138, 2013/2The end of analysis and the formation of the symbolN° 133, 2011/1Tribute to Édouard GlissantN° 133, 2011/1Otherness and identity, Acadian exiles as witnessesN° 133, 2011/1EditorialN° 128, 2009/1Admonishmend: reproach and narcissismNo 121, 2007/1The matter of the work: sublimatioNo 119-120, 2006/3Economic Poverty and psychoanalysis. EssayNo 117, 2006/1Demeter and the corn doll